We have received a letter from the insurance company.....
We are not happy....
We went to their local office Friday afternoon...
Their claims manager has Friday off...................Grrrrrrrrr......
We will go visit next week.
From what we understand - (they say) because our barns are very old 'vetuste' we only get 25% towards any claim......................
So, it costs us 2000 euro for the repair to the roofs and we only get 250 euro....
Are we happy??
We are not happy.
I think we should sell the barns for whatever we can for them and let whoever buys them take the brunt of it all.
We are very disappointed with our insurance company.
We made a legitimate claim some 6 yrs ago.
We had a day of extreme weather during April... high winds from the West with hail and rain. It came in powerful gusts. It took out the centre roof of our hangar.. We called our insurance agent and he came to visit.. We made the claim with photos - what was the result? "Sorry but the winds (according to Meteo France) did not exceed 50km per hour that day in your village, it was not a tempest " (ergo no claim)!!
We take out insurance for peace of mind. Haaaaa!!
Once this claim is fully settled we will change our insurers, and check that they will give us 'peace of mind'....
What really comes to mind is: Our house is around 250 years old - if we have to make a large claim for any reason will they pay out???? I lose sleep over this!!
{In the meantime we have gone from one insurance company to another!! (AGF - Allianz)} Makes me sick - changes going on when the customer has no say!!!!
And so Autumn settles upon our part of the world.
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the mossed cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'erbrimmed their clammy cells.
etc..... (John Keats - Ode to Autumn)
I had to learn the above poem at school - It was a C of E School and as a Catholic I did not have Religious Instruction there, so I was given a poem to learn.... and the first line sticks in my mind - I could not get beyond it.
We have harvested some delicious plump hazelnuts and also chestnuts..... yummy - their clammy cells are well o'erbrimmed!!!!!
Not ALL is bad in La Belle France.....
Photo is of Liquidamber in our garden
(started to edit this posting - computer threw a wobbly so have had to alter text.. grrrr - I am not going to touch it again)
I do sympathise. when a mini cyclone took out our chimney stack we were assured that according to their meteo station...in the Limousin (!...) no high winds had been recorded!